Are you a non-profit looking to cut costs and get in on cutting edge technology? BCT Consulting is taking entries for our $1,000,000 Tech Giveaway community offering to non-profit and charities throughout the area, including new state-of-the-art phone system technology, Cyber Security Monitoring/Management, Managed Support IT Services and refreshed technology hardware giveaways.

Helping the community, one organization at a time…

We are BCT Consulting, Business Computer Technology, and our mission is to provide personable, knowledgeable and cost effective technology through innovation. We feel community involvement is the best way to stimulate the economy and give back to those who have done good, especially non-profits. BCT is offering many various technology services to non-profit organizations demonstrating excellence that will use this technology to improve their organization, outreach and efficiency.

To apply, please fill out the information below including a statement of how a technology makeover can help benefit your non-profit organization.



Organization must be a nonprofit and have proof with a 501c3 form


Organization must have a physical location(1)


Organization must write a description of what the company does and why you deserve a new phone system

(1) Physical location – A home office is acceptable to qualify, as long as a physical address is provided.

Giveaway Application

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